Learn more about who we are:

What is Eitz Echad?

Our name, "Eitz Echad," is inspired by the powerful vision in Ezekiel 37, where Hashem instructs the prophet to take two sticks—one representing Yehudah and the other representing Yosef/Efrayim. In this vision, these two separate entities become one (Echad) in Hashem's hand, symbolizing the unification of Israel. While Yehudah undeniably represents the Jewish people, the identity of Efrayim remains a subject of speculation. Despite varying interpretations, we acknowledge the significant return of diverse groups to Israel, such as Ethiopian Jews (believed to be the lost tribe of Dan) and the Benei Anusim (descendants of the Spanish Inquisition).

Our mission is to help spread the light of Torah across the world, believing in Hashem’s ultimate plan for unity. We understand the complexity of navigating the religious landscape and are here for everyone, extending a welcoming hand to all who seek guidance. If you feel inspired to connect with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Our main focus includes:
Sephardic Judaism
Conversos / Benei Anusim
New converts to Judaism
Questions about Judaism
Overcoming Anti-semitism

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